The following is an excerpt from the book I am currently writing, Sun on Earth; A Handbook for the Individual in The Aquarian Age.

I discovered the zodiac to be a torus field in 2021 simply by arranging the signs vertically, from the wateriest of waters (Pisces) to the firiest of fires (Sagittarius). From here I connected some circles around the signs, leaving Taurus and Sagittarius without partners until I joined them together. 

That is when the torus field, or the Taurus field took shape. The torus field’s center is the same as its periphery. This is probably why Sagittarius is represented by the “cenTAUR”. Though it is the utmost expanse of expansion itself, it is still paradoxically also the center.

Because it has been a year into more contemplation I have realized something about the diagram. If we put figure eights to loop the ‘pairs’ it is even further driven home that Taurus is always the central reference character. That is to say, when we interact with something, or experience something, we do so in a reflexive way, referring back to ourselves and what we know as we continue to explore something.

If you shift your gaze you can see the full torus field emerge. Picture a wine glass with a wide rim.

And if Taurus is the central reference point, our place of Self that we refer back to in any given instant, then Sagittarius is also the Self because the torus’ center is the same as the periphery. 

A good metaphor I like to use is the bull’s eye, which aptly includes both Taurus’ Bull and Sagittarius’ archer .

The Bull’s eye is in the center, but it is also behind the eyes of the aimer. The aiming is something very primal. It precedes willing and decision making and perceiving. Aiming gets to the heart of that elusive transcendental “I” that the philosophers are always chasing.

Do you ever have a Bull’s Eye feeling?

There is the center, what we aim for as well as the aim itself, and within this is something similar to a center/ periphery blend. You could think about it also as a “bull’s eye feeling”. When things are, in the words of Bob Dylan, “right on target, so direct.”

When on a roll with that bull’s eye feeling, some people experience synchronicities, or meaningful coincidences, which hint again at the center being strangely yoked with the periphery. Maybe the arrow of time is entangled with the arrow of our aims? 

The armillary sphere is a geocentric device that models the universe with the Earth at the center. The center is the same as the periphery, with the Sagittarian arrow of aims running through Taurus’ rotating field of choice.

Aside from the Bull’s Eye metaphor, we can play with other Taurus/ Sagittarius word combinations.

Meaning(Sagittarius) full(Taurus)

Spirited (Sagittarius) Nature (Taurus)

Systems (Taurus) of Learning (Sagittarius)

Embodying (Taurus) Wisdom (Sagittarius)

A Taste (Taurus) for Enthusiasm (Sagittarius)

Zest (Sagittarius) full (Taurus)

The point is to conjure as many up as you can and get close to the one that speaks loudest to you. You can use it as a mantra and see if it helps to both center and expand you sense of self. 

Let us now take a second look at our diagram of the toroscope, that is the zodiac arranged vertically to evoke the movement of a torus field.

The first figure eight only involves two signs: Taurus and Sagittarius. All of the other figure eights involve three signs.

The figure eight of Taurus and Sagittarius is the only one that contains only two signs. The others contain three because Taurus is always the reference point.

But the two signs are really one because the center is the same as the periphery, that is Taurus is really one with Sagittarius; spirited nature.

The three signs involved in the remaining figure eights are really four, because concealed within the sign of Taurus is the hidden expanse of Sagittarius.

We will explore the significance of these shifting numbers later. For now, just consider a hidden ‘one’ within the ‘twoness’, and a hidden ‘four’ within the ‘threeness’.

Schedule a nature reading with me and go deeper into your field!

6 responses to “Understanding the Torus Field in Astrology: Taurus and Sagittarius Connection”

  1.  Avatar

    Oh boy, ending on a cliffhanger!? We’re heading into some exciting stuff here. Looking forward to where you’re gonna take all of this

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tess Hadley Durand Avatar

      😄yes a cliffhanger! Stay tuned, buckle in!


  2. curt Avatar

    Oh boy, ending on a cliffhanger!? We’re heading into some exciting stuff here. Looking forward to where you’re gonna take all of this

    Liked by 1 person

  3.  Avatar

    Wow ✨

    Liked by 1 person

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