Your Sun sign keys you into understanding the fundamental energy that you run on.  There are four basic different categories of this energy: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.  Start with understanding your element and then move on to understand it’s specific qualities within your sign.

Today we are looking at Water energy.

Water energy is emotional and feeling oriented.  This energy is tuned into subtleties like no other.  Water runs the deepest of the four- it is the most inward.  It needs privacy at times to refuel.  Like Earth, it is Yin therefore it is geared more towards receiving than projecting outward.  Water reminds us how much takes place below the surface.

Water energy runs deep, bringing in elements of the subconscious.

Breaking Water down further into the Modes we get:

Cardinal Water: Cancer.  Cardinal energy INITIATES.  Think about this inward emotional energy and add that concept of initiation and that can bring us naturally to family and early home- where most of our emotional energy was INITIATED.  Cancer energy yearns to attain emotional security.

Double Cancer, Henry David Thoreau built a home on Emerson’s land where he stayed and wrote “Walden Pond”. He spent his days tuning into a quieter and more simple way of life to better understand society and human development.

Fixed Water: Scorpio.  Fixed energy MAINTAINS.  Now this inward feeling oriented energy is being maintained and we can be brought to the idea sacred emotional unions.  “I like this feeling- I want to keep it.  I want to STAY here and explore”.

Georgia O’Keefe has Scorpio stellium (cluster of planets) including her Sun and Moon, all on the Ascendant. Her identity (ASC) is very much consumed with deep emotional power, often integrating symbols of death into vivid color schemes. This stellium is opposed by Pluto and Neptune adding a profound (Pluto) transcendental tone (Neptune).

Mutable Water: Pisces.  Mutable energy ADAPTS, CHANGES, and REFINES.  The subtle feeling energy now is ready to adjust and improve hence we are brought to such concepts as compassion and forgiveness.  The sensitivity is refined and reaching always to attain new heights.

Alexander McQueen has his Sun and Moon in Pisces in the self expressive 5th house. His fashion designs reflect Pisces’ ever evolving rich imagination in search of the sublimely beautiful. His Sun is opposite Pluto bringing in that sense of the profound.

Next post we will explore exciting energy of fire!

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