I remember the day that Uranus went into Taurus. It was May 15th, 2018 and I was driving home after a doctor’s appointment. They had drawn some blood to confirm a dreamy suspicion. I noticed a phone message when I stopped at a light. Her voice said, “Well, it’s true, you’re pregnant.” 

Euphoria set in. Expanse. Lit up dreams.

Uranus has to do with the future. Taurus is the most fertile sign of the zodiac. My future was full of growth, just as the future should be.

And then the next moment on a busy road, the sky drew unfathomably dark along with an immediate plummet in temperature. It was so strange. All of the brake lights lit up as far as I could see, reflecting caution like a collective gasp. From a complete stop, traffic again began to move. Faster. Each car determined to not be in the wrong place at the wrong time. A tornado was in the neighborhood which was a very strange occurrence for Rockland County, NY.

I have had dreams of tornadoes all my life. I think the storm scene in the Wizard of Oz made some major groove marks in my three year old mind. During what turned out to be a brief stretch of a little darkness and hail, I wondered if this was going to be the strange poetry of my life; receiving joyous news right before being swept away to the sky, towards the stars that people wish upon. I remember feeling a wild rebellion of “no you don’t!” as a laser beam kind of focus went into my driving. 

“Mother nature, you step aside. I have a dream here!”

Bob Dylan once said “I am against nature. I don’t dig nature at all. I think nature is very unnatural. I think the truly natural things are dreams, which nature can’t touch with decay.”

Any nature that doesn’t have enough truly natural things like dreams falls short of real nature. Such falling short calls for spirited rebellion!

As the spirited planet of Jupiter comes closer to rebellious Uranus in the natural and fertile sign of Taurus, it is a good time to insist on hyper-naturalizing nature. Make healthy some real dreams. Water them, get them in the sun! Help cultivate their growth.  This planetary meetup will be exact on Saturday, April 20th.

Bob Dylan has this exact signature of Uranus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus. He also famously said “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” 

Nature not only surrounds you, it is the confidence of the nature in you

You don’t need the weatherman. You just need to rebel against the kind of nature that is devoid of dreams and wonder. 

Schedule a nature reading with me!

8 responses to “Bob Dylan “I am Against Nature””

  1. satyam rastogi Avatar

    Nice post 🌹🌹


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    What great visuals in this post. That must have been a wild day for you! 🙂 -Curt

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tess Hadley Durand Avatar

      It was wild! Now the force of nature lives in my house 😅
      Excited for Saturday!! Hindu deity jr!


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